Photo of Shelby Timmins

Shelby Timmins


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Divorce Done Differently

Masters of Law from the University of Sydney, Nationally Accredited Mediator, Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner, Divorce and Conflict Coach, Parenting Coordinator and Collaborative Professional. President of the Collaborative Professionals NSW and founder and President of Southern Sydney Collaborative Professionals.

Role in Collaborative Process:
Collaborative Coach

What I love about the collaborative approach:
Divorce doesn't have to be a disaster. It can be done with dignity and respect, with a supportive team of professionals and outside of court. The collaborative process provides a safe space for families to work through the tough stuff and come up with resolutions that work for every member of the family.

A fun fact about me:
Growing up, I wanted to own a lolly shop. Still a pipe dream.

Photo of Aileen Slattery

Aileen Slattery


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ATW Family Law

Accredited Family Law Specialist, Collaborative Lawyer

Role in Collaborative Process:

What I love about the collaborative approach:
I love working in a environment with like minded professionals where we are all focusing on the best outcomes for the family as a whole. It is a positive, future focused process which allows couples to separate with dignity and respect and allows the professional team to work in a respectful, trustful and collegiate way. It can’t get better than that!

A fun fact about me:
I came to Australia from Ireland as a young backpacker in 1987, with 50 kilos of luggage including three ballgowns! Never did get to wear those gowns…

Photo of Margie O’Neill

Margie O’Neill


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De Saxe O’Neill Family Lawyers

BSW, JD, LLM, Acc. Spec. Family Law

Role in Collaborative Process:
Collaborative Lawyer

What I love about the collaborative approach:
CP recognises the important relationship that the parties had and the process allows for it to be respected. The fact that parties contract out of litigation is especially important to me as it means that parties cannot use court as a weapon / threat. The process is extremely valuable for maintaining relationships so that healthy co-parenting can continue and children are spared the pain of ongoing disagreement. CP can work particularly well with vulnerable parties where there is mental health and /or substance abuse as the process is very supportive and can be tailored to meet individual needs. Lastly, I love the relationships I have with my like minded collaborative colleagues whom I trust and can rely on.

A fun fact about me:
Mother to 3 humans, 2 dogs and a snake, happiest when in mountains or water and love a good Nordic noir read.

Photo of Tash Nolan

Tash Nolan


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Nolan Lawyers

Bachelor of Laws (LLB) degree Masters of applied law (Family Law) Admitted as a lawyer to the supreme court of NSW Admitted as a lawyer to the high court of Australia

Role in Collaborative Process:

A fun fact about me:
A country girl

Photo of Trevor Vella

Trevor Vella


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Trevor Vella & Co Pty Limited

Bachelor of Economics, Bachelor of Laws (Hons), Master of Business in Banking and Finance, Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia, member of the Law Society of New South Wales.

Role in Collaborative Process:
Financial neutral — valuation of shares and businesses and assistance with assessment of financial positions.

What I love about the collaborative approach:
I have been involved only in forensic accounting and business valuation [mainly in the litigation context] for more than thirty-five years. I came to appreciate very early that, while traditional litigation has its place in certain cases, a better approach was needed to resolve financial disputes, or determining the quantum of, and a satisfactory division of, assets. Collaborative practice is such an approach. Helping the parties together, their legal advisors and a coach to achieve goals for the parties’ mutual benefit is very satisfying.

A fun fact about me:
I was in my youth a drummer in a rock ‘n roll band.

Photo of Tanya Carlson

Tanya Carlson


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Amplify Wealth Management Pty Limited

Master Financial Planning

Role in Collaborative Process:
Financial Professional

What I love about the collaborative approach:
I love being involved in the collaborative process as it brings together a team of professionals focussed on the optimal outcome tailored to the bespoke needs of the individuals. In regards to the financial settlement, for many this piece is critical and having advice and guidance on how the outcomes will impact your future can provide great peace of mind and clarity.

A fun fact about me:
I play a mean air guitar!

Photo of Alicia Elliott

Alicia Elliott

Board Member

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Broun Abrahams Burreket

BMedia/LLB, completed collaborative training in 2017

Role in Collaborative Process:
Collaborative lawyer

What I love about the collaborative approach:
I love collaborative practice because it reminds me of why I originally became a lawyer – to try and help people. I enjoy assisting separating families to stay out of Court, reach a resolution that they have crafted and, hopefully, stay friends.

A fun fact about me:
I am irrationally afraid of pigeons.

Photo of Kim Ford

Kim Ford

Board Member

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Nolan Lawyers

Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Laws Admitted as a lawyer to the Supreme Court of NSW Admitted as a lawyer to the High Court of Australia

Role in Collaborative Process:
Specialist Family Lawyer

What I love about the collaborative approach:
I am passionate about Collaborative Practice and committed to ensuring its continuing growth and development in New South Wales and across Australia. Having seen at close hand over many years the damage that is caused to families by protracted dispute and litigation, it is my aim to promote and encourage wherever possible the respectful and cooperative resolution of matters arising from relationship breakdown that Collaborative practice provides.

Photo of Karen Hardy

Karen Hardy

Board Member

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Rubin Blight Hardy Family Lawyers & Mediators

Collaborative Lawyer, Family Law Accredited Specialist

Role in Collaborative Process:

What I love about the collaborative approach:
Collaborative Practice provides me with an opportunity to assist families when they are at their most vulnerable and to support and guide them through the separation process in a way that leaves their relationships in tact and their children thriving.

A fun fact about me:
I started playing soccer in my 40’s having never played before and love it!

Photo of Gloria Hawke

Gloria Hawke

Board Member

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Mediation Collective

MASTER OF CLINICAL FAMILY THERAPY La Trobe University, Melbourne INTERDISCIPLINARY COLLABORATIVE PRACTICE TRAINING Australian Institute of Relationship Studies, Sydney GRADUATE DIPLOMA OF FAMILY DISPUTE RESOLUTION Australian Institute of Relationship Studies, Sydney BACHELOR OF ARTS (COMMUNICATION) University of Technology, Sydney

Role in Collaborative Process:
Collaborative coach

What I love about the collaborative approach:
I love collaborative practice because of the processes ability to protect ongoing relationships. It is a highly effective dispute resolution process that takes into account the needs of the family as a whole whilst still allowing for ongoing legal advice.

A fun fact about me:
When I’m not working you can find me at the beach, with a good book or planning my next holiday escape!

Photo of Jayne Humphreys

Jayne Humphreys

Board Member

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JL Humphreys & Associates

BA Dip Law, NMAS accredited mediator, Advanced Training Collaborative Practice (Wills & Estates)

Role in Collaborative Process:
Lawyer (and coach to be)

What I love about the collaborative approach:
With over 25 years of legal practice experience I have seen many families disheartened and destroyed by litigation arising from elder law and wills & estates disputes. Collaborative practice gives families the ability to resolve those disputes without costly litigation and address any potential disputes in a facilitated family estate planning process.

A fun fact about me:
I once trekked to Everest Base Camp but these days enjoy challenging myself with local bushwalks and ocean swimming!

Photo of Alex Namisnyk

Alex Namisnyk

Board Member

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ATW Family Law

BA (Hons) LLB (Hons)

Role in Collaborative Process:

What I love about the collaborative approach:
Collaborative practice prioritises the parties’ dignity and allows them to take ownership of their matter. Where litigation is often destructive, Collaborative practice is constructive and allows parties to find options that would never be available in the Court system. I’ve found that collaborative practice really is the best process through which I, as a lawyer, can help my clients and their families move forward with their lives.

A fun fact about me:
I have semi-famous pugs.

Photo of Valerie Norton

Valerie Norton

Board Member

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The Mediation Collective

B.A., B. Psych (Hons), Grad Dip. Family Dispute Resolution, Child Inclusive Practitioner, FDRP, NMAS. (Graduating in October 2023 - Clinical Masters of Family Therapy)

Role in Collaborative Process:

What I love about the collaborative approach:
Seeing the power of the collaborative process is the reason that I work in this space. Being part of a team that helps families find a better pathway to resolution is so professionally rewarding. This can change a families separation story from one of adverserial pain and expense to one where collaborative professionals work together to keep important parental relationships intact, a families needs holistically considered and outcomes that work for everyone.

A fun fact about me:
I love to cook using fruit and vegetables from my own garden.

Photo of Bianca Roche-Bolger

Bianca Roche-Bolger

Board Member

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The Mediation Collective

Bachelor of Social Work, Registered FDRP, Nationally Accredited Mediator, Trained Child Consultant with Relationships Australia NSW, currently completing Master's of Clinical Family Therapy with La Trobe University/Bouverie Centre.

Role in Collaborative Process:
Coach and Child Consultant

What I love about the collaborative approach:
It is always such a privilege to work with families in the Collaborative Process. To support them as they try to navigate the changes in their relationship, whilst restructuring their family, is both challenging and professionally rewarding at the same time. Being a member of a multi-disciplinary, strengths focused team, is a further highlight. It not only ensures our clients are well resourced and have access to a wide breadth of knowledge and expertise, but it also enables you to share with and learn from one another. I strongly believe that the collegiate team building that comes when working together on collaborative matters, ripples outwards and continues to bring benefit to all members of the wider family law community.

A fun fact about me:
I have a side hustle as a marriage celebrant 🙂

Photo of Antonella Sanderson

Antonella Sanderson

Board Member

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Family Law Matters

Solicitor, Accredited Specialist in Family Law, Collaborative Lawyer, Arbitrator

Role in Collaborative Process:

What I love about the collaborative approach:
Collaborative practice is the best way for families to minimise the conflict, keep out court and find a more positive way to end their relationship.

A fun fact about me:
I love sailing and enjoy taking to the seas in my sailboat up and down the east coast of Australia when time (and winds) permit.

Photo of Bree Staines

Bree Staines

Board Member

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Nolan Lawyers

Bachelor of Laws; Masters of Applied Law (Family Law)

Role in Collaborative Process:

What I love about the collaborative approach:
I believe in the necessity for collaborative practice to assist clients to resolve their matter in a way that spares them the emotional and financial costs associated in litigation.

A fun fact about me:
The third member of my family is my golden retriever Reggie